Wise Weeds Botanicals

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Herbal & Aromatherapy Workshops

Pre-register at Beads N Botanicals by calling 217-283-6380 during regular business hours. Our internet shop is located at http://www.wiseweeds.net

Building Immunity Herbally:
Find out about alternative approaches to building immunity. Learn how to fight colds and flus. Includes information not only about appropriate herbs, but also essential oils and other natural approaches. $12, 1 1/2 hours (Ten person limit)
Jan. 17: 7 p.m.-8:30 p.m. Tuesday

Introduction to Aromatherapy:
Learn about aromatherapy--its historical and modern development. Discover the therapeutic uses of essential oils for healing, and why they work. Gain confidence in your own abilities to evaluate, purchase and blend essential oils. $12.00, 1 1/2 hours (ten person limit)
Jan. 24: 7 p.m.-8:30 p.m. Tuesday
April 11: 7 p.m.-8:30 p.m. Tuesday

Keeping Healthy with Kitchen Herbs:
Learn about common kitchen herbs and spices that can contribute to your health and that of your family. Find out how to be an "herbal guerilla" when your family doesn't want to eat healthy, but you want them to! Staying healthy can taste great! $12, 1 1/2 hours (ten person limit)
Jan. 31: 7 p.m.-8:30 p.m. Tuesday


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