Sirius Rising and Starwood 2005
Just got back from Sirius Rising and Starwood's 25th anniversary bash.
This year the Wise Weeds booth was right next to the famous "Phil's Grill," just down the road from our spot of the last two years.
Saw some old friends and made a few new ones. Many thanks to Dustin, Deanna and Naomi for running my booth so that I could attend or present workshops, as well as get to cool off in the pool on some of the hot days where I was melting in the middle of the afternoon.
Did I mention that this was the first year I was a presenter at Starwood? Herbal Safety: Medicinal vs. Magical Herbs, Scents & Scentsuality, and Love as Thou Will (with Ed Hubbard). All of the workshops went off, with Love as Thou Will on polyamory garnering the largest audience.
When I get a chance, I'll talk more about these events and other exciting news.
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