Wise Weeds Botanicals

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Spring Herbal Classes

Keeping Healthy with Kitchen Herbs:
Learn about common kitchen herbs and spices that can contribute to your health and that of your family. Find out how to be an "herbal guerilla" when your family doesn't want to eat healthy, but you want them to! Staying healthy can taste great!
$12, 1 1/2 hours (ten person limit)April 25: 7 p.m.-8:30 p.m. Tuesday

Introduction to Chinese Medicinals:
This class will highlight differences between Chinese and Western descriptions of body systems. Learn about some commonly used Chinese herbs. Find out about the concept of Yin/Yang as it relates to health. Discover how easy it is to incorporate Chinese herbs into your everyday diet.
$12, 1 1/2 hours (ten person limit)May 2: 7 p.m.-8:30 p.m. Tuesday

Overcoming Stress Herbally:
Find out about alternative approaches to overcoming stress. Distinguish between different types of stress: resulting from overwork, physical injury or emotional upset. Includes information not only about appropriate herbs but also essential oils and other natural aids.
$12, 1 1/2 hours (ten person limit)May 9: 7 p.m.-8:30 p.m. Tuesday


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