Wise Weeds Botanicals

Saturday, April 18, 2009

17th –century beads unearthed at island mission

17th –century beads unearthed at island mission

17th –century beads
unearthed at
island mission

cache reveals more about Spanish empire’s
outposts and trade routes


A cache of some 70,000 glass beads from all
over the world has been unearthed
at an island off Georgia, comprising
the largest repository ever from what was
one of the Spanish empire's
most remote and wealthy outposts, and revealing more
about 17th-century
trade routes.

Made of French and Chinese blue glass,
Dutch layered glass and Baltic amber,
the beads were found as part of an ongoing research project at the former Mission
Santa Catalina de Guale on what is now called St. Catherines Island.

Founded in the 16th century, this site was the capital and administrative center of the province of Guale in Spanish Florida for the better part of a century.

For the entire article, go here.

17th–century beads unearthed at island mission



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